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Ethos and Values

At Princefield our caring and dedicated staff and governors are committed to providing a vibrant and happy environment where every child is valued as an individual and as a member of our school community.

Our Motto at Princefield is:

Working Together for Success

The Aims of Princefield School

  • To develop the whole child through a personalised approach to learning.
  • To ensure that all children experience an exciting and active curriculum within a safe and secure environment.
  • To set high expectations of attainment and behaviour.
  • To work closely alongside parents and carers in the promotion of high standards of learning.
  • To provide children with the best possible start on their journey to becoming responsible citizens and lifelong learners.
  • To instil a sense of pride and self-respect through acknowledging and celebrating children’s achievements.
  • To establish an inclusive school community which will foster attitudes of tolerance and respect and the principal of equal opportunities for all.
  • To encourage all children to be the very best they can be emotionally, socially and academically.

Encouraging Each Other

On entry to school all children are placed in a House team which consists of children from every age group. Through this approach we encourage the children to get to know each other, this includes the older children supporting the younger ones and acting as good role models. Across the year we hold ‘House Events’ where the children work with the members of their house team, on a range of fun and collaborative projects. At Princefield we are a team, working with each other to achieve our best! This encourages tolerance and care across the ages, thus promoting our key motto of ‘Working Together for Success’.


Our behaviour code of conduct follows 3 simple rules:-

Be Safe

Be Ready

Be Respectful

At all times we expect high standards of behaviour. We try to create an environment that makes a child feel safe and secure so that they have the confidence to communicate with staff and their peers which greatly reduces disciplinary problems. Positive reward systems are used throughout the school to encourage and reward good behaviour.